Welcome to Righto Champ's Social Impact Hub

At RC, we're on a mission to change the way we talk about difficult conversations surrounding mental health. We believe that everyone's story is valid, and every voice deserves to be heard. With our dedicated social impact initiatives, we're creating a community of mental health advocates who are unapologetically committed to making a difference.

RC Ambassadors: Championing Authentic Voices

Our priority is to ensure that every member of our community feels heard and valued. We understand that the path to recovery is unique for each individual. That's why we've created the RC Ambassador program, designed to support everyday athletes who are on their own journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Our ambassadors have walked the same path and speak boldly about their experiences.

As an RC Ambassador, you will receive:

  • Your choice of one of our current products
  • Exclusive access to unreleased products
  • A unique discount code for your community, offering them 12% off

Ready to join our mission? To apply, simply send an email to info@rightochamp.com.au with your personal story and a brief description of your community.

RC Athletes: Unleash Your Inner Athlete

We believe an athlete is anyone who is dedicated to becoming a better version of themselves on their own terms. Our RC Athlete program is not exclusive to professional athletes; it's designed to support anyone with a commitment to personal growth.

As an RC Athlete, you will receive:

  • A 6-month paid contract to support your training journey
  • Milestone bonuses aligned with your performance
  • Complimentary products to aid your progress

Please note that we offer only two yearly sponsorships (2024 spots have been filled). To apply, send an email to info@rightochamp.com.au with your personal story and a brief description of the race or challenge you're looking to conquer.

RC Content Partners: Share Your Unique Voice

We all have the power of storytelling. We want to amplify your story in your own authentic way, whether you have a massive following, a passion for running, or a talent for creating content that resonates with our mission.

If you're interested in becoming an RC Content Partner or have innovative ideas to share, we'd love to hear from you. Reach out to us at info@rightochamp.com.au to start a conversation.

Together, we can authentically and unapologetically change the narrative surrounding mental health conversations. Join us in championing the cause at Righto Champ.